1. अब्दुल कलाम आज़ाद (India Wins Freedom)
2. अमर सिंह (Amar Kosh)
3. अमृता प्रीतम (Death of a city, 49 Days, Kagaz Te Canvas, The Thirteenth Sun, Khamoshi Se Pehle)
4. अमिताव घोष (Kolkata Chromosome, Dancing in Columbia - At Large in Burma, The Glass Palace, In an Antique Land, The IMAM and the Indian, The Circle of Reason)
5. अनीता देसाई (The Village by the sea)
6. अनुराग माथुर (The Inscrutable Americans, Making the Minister Smile)
7. ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम (Ignited Minds, India 2020: A vision for the New Millennium, Wings of Fire)
8. अरुण शौरी (Worshipping False Gods, Courts and their Judgements, Falling Over Backwards, The World of Fatwas or the Sharia in Action)
9. अरुंधती रॉय (The God of Small Things, The Algebra of Infinite Justice, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness)
10. बंकिम चन्द्र चैटर्जी (Anandamath, Durgesh Nandini, Kapalkundala)
11. बी.एम कॉल (Untold Story)
12. बी.एन. मलिक (Chinese Betrayal)
13. डेविड दविदर (House of Blue Mangoes)
14. डॉ.अमर्त्य सेन (Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Development as Freedom, Choice of Techniques)
15. डॉ.बी.आर. आंबेडकर (Riddles in Hinduism)
16. दीपक चोपड़ा (Ageless Body - Timeless Mind, The ways of the Wizard)
17. डॉ. एस. राधाकृष्णन (An Idealist View of Life, Bhagavad Gita, Hindu View of Life, Indian Philosophy)
18. गुलज़ार ( Autumn Moon)
19. गिरीश कर्नाड (The Fire and the Rain)
20. एच.पी.एस अहलुवालिया (Faces of Everest)
21. इंदिरा गाँधी (My Truth)
22. जे. कृष्णमूर्ति (The Awakening of Intelligence)
23. जावेद अख्तर (Quiver)
24. जवाहरलाल नेहरु (An Autobiography, Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, Bunch of old letters)
25. जयप्रकाश नारायण (Prison Diary)
26. झुम्पा लहरी (The Namesake, Interpreter of Maladies)
27. के.ए अब्बास (Bread, Beauty, and Revolution)
28. कपिल देव (By God’s Decree (Autobiography))
29. खुशवंत सिंह (Love, Truth and a Little Malice, Train to Pakistan, The Company of Women, Notes on the Great Indian Circus, Delhi, A Brush with Life, Lights and Sounds of World, Bride for the Sahibs)
30. किरण देसाई (The Inheritance of Loss)
30. के.पी.एस मेनन (Many Worlds, Yesterday and Today)
31. कुलदीप नायर (India: The Critical Years, The Judgement)
32. एल.के अडवाणी (A prisoner’s Scrapbook)
33. महात्मा गाँधी - (The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Conquest of Self, The Way to Communal Harmony, Non-violence in Peace and War, Self-Restraint versus Self Indulgence)
34. मैथिली शरण गुप्ता - (Bharat Bharati, Saket)
35. मनोहर मल्गोंकर - (Bandicoot Run, Bend in the Ganges)
36. मुल्क राज आनंद - (Two Leaves And A Bud, The Village, The Lord, The Bride’s Book of Beauty, The Coolie, The Bubble, The Untouchable, Confessions of a Lover)
37. नयनतारा सहगल - (Indira Gandhi’s Emergence and Style, A Voice of Freedom)
38. नीरद सी.चौधुरी - (A Passage to England, An Unknown Indian, Continent of Circe Scholar Extraordinary, Hinduism, To Hire or not to Hire, The Horseman and the New Apocalypse)
39. प्रेम चंद - (Godaan, Rangbhoomi)
40. प्रोमिला कल्हन- (Black Wednesday)
41. पं.रवि शंकर - (My Music, My Life)
42. रबिन्द्र नाथ टगोर - (Chandalika, Chitrangada, Crescent Moon, The Court Dancer, Gardener, Gitanjali, King of Dark Chamber, The Post Office, Bisarjan)
43. राज कमल झा - (The Blue Bedspread, If you are Afraid of Heights)
44. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद - (India Divided)
45. आर.के नारायण - (A Town Called Malgudi, Malgudi Days, Indian Thought: A Miscellany, My Days: Autobiography, Mr Sampath, The Guide, The Vendor of Sweets, The Bachelor of Arts)
46. रुथ प्रवर झबवाला- (Heat and Dust)
47. रोहिंटों मिस्त्री - (A Fine Balance, Such a Long Journey)
48. रोमिला थापर - (History of Early India)
49. सलमान रुश्दी - (Midnight’s Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, Fury, The Moor’s last Singh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet)
50. सरोजिनी नायडू - (Golden Threshold, The Songs of India)
51. सत्यजित रे - (Our Films Their Films, The Mystery of the Pink Pearl, Danger in Darjeeling, Robertson’s Ruby)
52. शरत चंद्र चटर्जी- (Devdas)
53. सर औरोबिन्दो घोष - (Essays on Gita, Life Divine)
54. सिसिर कुमार घोष - (Beyond Modernization, Beyond Self)
55. सुनील गावस्कर - ( Sunny Days)
56. वेड मेहता - (Portrait of India)
57. विक्रम सेठ - (A Suitable Boy, The Golden Gate)
58. वी.एस नैपॉल - (A Loss of El Dorado, An Area of Darkness, Miguel Street, Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey, Finding the Centre in a Free State, A Bend in the River)
59. वी.वी गिरी - (My Life and Times)
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